Regarding situation in Gaza due to alleged attack by Israeli forces on Palestine civilians

We just wanted to express our support for the concerns that have been conveyed by the hon. Member from the PDP. The fact is that we have witnessed in the last few days  a tremendous humanitarian tragedy, 192 people have been killed, including 37 children. As you know, India and the Congress Party have consistently stood for peace and justice in the area of Palestine. From our point of view, the two states there must live in peace side by side and people should not become innocent victims of terror. When a tragedy is unfolding, we feel that it is appropriate that the Lok Sabha should express the concerns of the Indian people. Therefore, we support the request of the hon. Member, Kumari Mehbooba Mufti that a formula should be found for the House to collectively express its concern.

          In the meantime we have received news that the Israelis have accepted the truce offer promoted by the Egyptians. If Hamas also accepts it, we will see some peace and we will certainly want to encourage that. So, I would request you, Madam Speaker, to find a way in which the Minister of External Affairs can also attend and  the House can have a Half-an-Hour Discussion on this matter. It can pass a Resolution which conveys the sense of the people of India about what has been happening and what may yet happen. Thank you.

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