Words of Wisdom

Delhi's book lovers got an opportunity to meet their favourite author, Shashi Tharoor recently. No wonder then, the gathering was huge, as eager fans lined up to hear the author reading out excerpts from his books.

Although the event began late, the guests did not lose their patience and made themselves comfortable in the hall.

Jaya Jaitley [Photo: Satish Jaiswal]Geeta and Rajeev Chandran [Photo: Satish Jaiswal]Jaya Jaitley, who was dressed in an orange sari looked impressed with the setup and interacted with the media before the session began. But once the author took over, she settled herself with the rest of the crowd' and listened with undivided attention to him.

Dancer Geeta Chandran came, looking endearing in her trademark bindi. She was accompanied by husband Rajeev. Later, the guests were served tea and snacks, as they exchanged pleasantries and discussed the weather.
