Word Play: Shashi Tharoor does it again, this time with floccinaucinihilipilification

Congress leader Shashi Tharoor on October 10 again left Twitterati amused after coining a new and nearly unpronounceable word - floccinaucinihilipilification - while describing his book on Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


According to the Oxford dictionary, the word is a noun and means 'the action or habit of estimating something as worthless'.

This drew various reactions from Tharoor's followers on the social networking platform.









Tharoor responded to his followers on October 11, apologising for an outburst on Twitter over the new word. His response too, however, included his love for the language and propensity for little-heard and little-used words.

He tweeted a new word, hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia, and asked Twitterati to not bother looking it up as 'it's just a word describing a fear of long words'.





For Twitter users in India, politician Shashi Tharoor's Twitter handle is an exceptional space to learn lessons on English diction, comprehension, and lexicography.

The Congress MP keeps making headlines for his mind-boggling linguistic skills and quick wit by introducing the Indian social media to words like 'webaqoof' and the rather popular one – 'farrago'.

Another such instance was when Tharoor made an indirect comment on a former ally and Bihar CM Nitish Kumar's shift to the NDA. The MP and politician from Kerala tweeted: "Word of the day! — Definition of *snollygoster* US dialect: a shrewd, unprincipled politician; First Known Use: 1845; Most recent use: 26/7/17."



In February this year, he introduced 'troglodytes' to the Twitter world in a response to Vinay Katiyar's comment on the Taj Mahal.

"We can't let these troglodytes destroy our country & everything beautiful in it," he tweeted.

The MP from Thiruvananthapuram had earlier described the coverage of the death of his wife Sunanda Pushkar by a news channel as an "Exasperating farrago of distortions, misrepresentations and outright lies being broadcast by an unprincipled showman masquerading as a journalist".


In December last year, he used the word 'rodomontade', meaning boastful or inflated talk or behaviour. "I choose my words because they are the best ones for the idea I want to convey, not the most obscure or rodomontade ones!" he tweeted.

Source: https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/india/word-play-shashi-tharoor-does-it-again-this-time-with-flocci