The Law Commission is reviewing sedition law and preparing a report on whether it should be scrapped or not. Besides holding consultations with stakeholders, seeking opinions of legal luminaries and conducting debates, the commission is examining a private member's bill moved by Congress MP Shashi Tharoor.
In an era, where Parliamentarians hit headlines for their flying tantrums and chair-smashing shenanigans, Shashi Tharoor comes across as a Utopian wonder. Well-read, well-spoken, well-groomed he stands distinct amidst the burgeoning league of browbeaters.
Shashi Tharoor, MP, introduced the Anti-Discrimination and Equality Bill 2016 in Lok Sabha on March 10. In the Statement of Objects and Reasons, attached to the Bill, Shashi Tharoor says as follows: “The Constitution of India promises justice,
Former UN under-secretary general and Congress MP Shashi Tharoor on Friday questioned why the British don’t teach their colonial history in schools. Speaking to British television channel Channel 4 host Jon Snow, Tharoor said there is a “historical amnesia about what the empire entailed” and detailed how little Britain knew about the colonial atrocities.
Dr Shashi Tharoor was recently in the UK to promote his new book Inglorious Empire: What the British did to India. While visiting LSE, he spoke to Sonali Campion about the need to challenge existing narratives about the British in India, the uniquely exploitative nature of the Raj and the legacies of Empire.
The core argument was the one made in the speech, so I knew what I wanted to write was an argument and not history as it unfolded. What interested people was what I’d said in the speech at Oxford, so I broadly knew what I wanted to look at