Need to take steps to prevent coastal erosion in the country.

There could be no more timely issue for Monsoon Session that are threatening our country. The Shoreline Change Assessment  conducted by the Ministry of Environment found that 63% of Kerala's 580- Kilometer coastline faces a grave problem of erosion. This vast stretch of coast is only partly protected by artificial barriers to preserve the coast against the onslaught of the seas.

          We need more and upgraded structures urgently to meet the growing menace of Coastal Erosion. The livelihoods of large communities in Kerala hang in the balance as a result of shrinking coastline. We fight to defend on an inch of territory, but when we lose kilometres of Indian soil to the sea we are indifferent. This threat is bound to get worse in the years to come.

          In the light of rapidly progressing Monsoon, our efforts need to be scaled up to meet this challenge and prevent the loss of Indian territory to coastal erosion. Given our commitment towards combating climate change, I urge the Prime Minister to urgently direct more funds to coastal States such as Kerala to shore up our coastal defence.

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